Hot thermal coatings - HVOF, plasma coatings

Žiarové nástreky sú zamerané hlavne na ochranu povrchov. Povlaky aplikované žiarovým striekaním zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu vo výrobe a renovácií.
We offer services in field of dip coatings. We use the latest technologies for application dip coatings:
We using HVOF and plasma system with ABB robots of German company Thermico GmbH & Co. KG.
Precision Coating is achieved by positioning device and a turntable in cooperation with robots ABB 4600. Positioning device allows us to very accurately applied surfaces with a diameter up to 1100 mm and lengths up to 3080 mm at a speed of 6-300 rpm / min.
Pumps / Mechanical seals / Packing

We are dedicated to servicing mechanical seals and pumps in harsh operating conditions. Given the complexity of the problems of mechanical seals and requirements of our customers was generated application and service group that seeks by professional installation and supervision eliminate seal failure due to improper installation. These are workers who are highly specialized on this issue and achieve very good results (see references). Furthermore, this group is secured operative intervention in case of emergency.

We place great emphasis on the mechanical strength, chemical resistance and environmental integrity of our products.
We provide a wide range of gaskets for equipment operating in environments with different chemical and thermal requirements. We offer a complete range of seals, mechanical seals, knitted gland packings, graphite gaskets, PTFE products, other gaskets and maintenance products.
Water jet - Water jet cutting

We offer comprehensive services in the field of cutting by water jet. Cutting of materials is done by 5 axis water jet SUPREMA
The technology of water jet cutting of materials uses abrasive action of high pressure water jet, which acts on the material. This leads to an abrasion material, high pressure jet, carrying out a separate material.
The water jet of company Chetra SK is equiped by 5 axis 3D evolution cutting system.
Service and factory plants

- Sale seals
- Service and applications of mechanical seal
- Service and applications of pumps
- Focusing misalignment
- Welding and locksmith works

- Thermal coatings
- HVOF coatings
- plasma coatings

Medzilaborce - New operation
- Laser surfacing and welding
- Laser cutting

- Metalworking
- Analysis and filtration of oils
- Hydraulic units
- Water jet cutting